Men’s Health Awareness Month

The Importance of Men’s Health

Men’s health needs more attention. Its impact on communities and families is both direct and indirect. It’s a subject that deserves a spotlight, and Men’s Health Awareness Month does just that.

The mortality rate is 41 percent higher for men than women. This stark statistic shows that more needs to be done to address men’s health issues. From heart disease to suicide, men are more likely to die at a younger age, and this needs to change.

Men are also less likely than women to see a doctor or report symptoms to a health care provider. Only 60 percent of men go to the doctor for a yearly, routine check-up, and 40 percent won’t go until something is seriously wrong. Correlations can be drawn to prostate cancer, and why it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths amongst men, and yet, it doesn’t receive the same attention as other forms of cancer. Awareness needs to be raised about the prevalence of this disease and the importance of regular screenings.

There's an unfortunate stigma around men’s health, especially when it relates to mental and emotional well-being. Men often find it hard to talk about their health problems, and this silence can be deadly. It’s time to break the stigma and start the conversation.

Help is Around the Corner

Despite the challenges, help is around the corner. The first step is awareness, and the next is action. Let's use Men’s Health Awareness Month as a platform to educate, inspire change, and offer help to those who need it. Let's work together to improve men's health. Together, We CAN.

If you or a loved one need assistance formulating a plan or working with your provider, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule an introductory call to learn how we can best advocate for you.


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